This striking 1900’s Two story, two family building has been part of the historic framework of Hudson for over 100 years with its origins as a commercial mercantile storefront in a growing Hudson River Town. Boasting many original features: Adorned with lovely moldings and blessed with high ceilings, wood floors and big open spaces, located just steps away from busy Warren Street and just around the corner from the Maker Hotel, this building offers a unique renovation opportunity in a neighborhood that has consistently achieved high prices. Priced to sell; it is a great way to get in the ground floor in one of the fastest growing cities in the Hudson Valley. Currently the building houses a large three bedroom apartment. A beautiful staircase leads to the second floor apartment. There is a full basement with a walk out to the small backyard., AboveGrade:2000, Below Grnd Sq Feet:500, ROOF:Fiberglass Shingles